
The Bench #FFfAW

Vinod proudly took his friend Hemant around the green zone. Technocity had developed 12.5 acres of dry land into a green zone. There were trees, shrubs, a lake and recently a lot of birds had started visiting. It was a place where families used to visit now to relax.

You mean to say there are no thefts of timber ‘, asked Hemant.

‘Nah’, said Vinod.

‘How are you so sure?’, Asked Hemant.

‘We have coded each tree and I know each branch , each twig of my trees’, Vinod said proudly.

‘What are they doing?’,asked Hemant pointing to some workers.

‘We are putting up some benches made of recycled plastic for visitors’, explained Vinod .


Next day Morning , as usual Vinod was on his ’rounds’. When he noticed a fat branch missing. A team gathered and went on a search. It was impossible that the branch had been moved out. They found some bits of wood. but nothing more.

Meanwhile a lone wooden bench sat near the lake and somewhere  a man was happy with his creation.

(173 words)

This story is written for the 177th Flash fiction for Aspiring writers. The challenge is to write a story on the picture prompt for 100-150 words (+- 25 words). Thanks to Priceless Joy for hosting the challenge. Thanks also to Wildverbs who provided this weeks picture.


Fame and its baggage’s #FFFAW

Benoy sat impatiently as Arosi tried the nth shoe.

‘Don’t you have anything good here.? These are all so….common’, said Arosi to the salesman. ‘Common….Huh,’ Benoy thought, ‘as if she was born in royalty. She was a common girl from Khargulli when I had picked her up, trained her and made into a star and look at her histrionics now’, he thought.

The star stuck salesman had meanwhile run away to get another pair of stilettos. For him Arosi was the ideal. From a lowly background she had stuck gold, she was the hope of millions like him.

‘Stupid boy, this is what I wanted,’ holding the red stilettos,’Why did you show me the cheap ones earlier’.

The salesman though, didn’t like the way she spoke and thought , ‘Even If I became rich and powerful I will never lose my humility’ while Benoy was thinking, ‘Fame and money destroys the best of people’.

(155 words)

This story is written for the 176th Flash fiction for Aspiring writers. The challenge is to write a story on the picture prompt for 100-150 words (+- 25 words). Thanks to Priceless Joy for hosting the challenge. Thanks also to Yinglan who provided this weeks picture.