Finding out ways

Vidya Sury 28.10 (7)

Respectability, what was that? Not in our office at least.  I have a  tyrant boss who has killed my confidence. I had to find a way out. Resignation was not enough. The brute had to suffer the same way he made me suffer.

I walked into the library to find out ways to kill him.


Written for 55 on Fridays at Writetribe.

55 on Friday #WriteTribe

Thank you Write tribe. I am so busy nowadays and I am so glad that I don’t need to think of what to write with your different prompts 🙂

34 thoughts on “Finding out ways

  1. Wow, that was quite a violent take on the prompt, and I personally am not a big fan of violence in any form or fashion. Having said that I really don’t know if killing the boss would make the victim feel any better, she had better plot out some proper adequate revenge.

    Nice take on the prompt 😀

  2. Oh oh if people decided like this most of the bosses would need to gobto library to read about ‘how to foil murder attempts ‘ 🙂

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